Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) co-partnered with the National Biodiversity Data Centre (Data Centre) have been tasked by the National Parks and Wildlife Service to undertake risk assessments on certain non-native species listed in the Third Schedule to the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011.
Risk assessment is a formal process that reviews the current knowledge on non-native species and assesses the potential threats and impacts of that species. The data along with other information and stakeholder consultation can then be used as the basis for policy formulation and mitigation strategies. It is important to note that risk assessments consider only the risks posed by a species. They do not consider the practicalities or other issues relating to the management of the species.
About the risk assessments
The risk assessments were based on the Non-native species APplication based Risk Analysis (NAPRA) tool. NAPRA is a computer based tool for undertaking risk assessment of any non-native species. It was developed by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) and adapted for Ireland and Northern Ireland by Invasive Species Ireland. It is based on the Computer Aided Pest Risk Analysis (CAPRA) software package which is a similar tool used by EPPO for risk assessment.
The drafting of the risk assessments were undertaken by both IFI and the Data Centre. IFI was responsible for 22 risk assessments of largely riparian or aquatic species and the Data Centre was responsible for the remaining 20 species most of which are terrestrial. A full list of the species for which risk assessments were conducted is provided on the Species List page of this website. Following internal review, each draft risk assessment was submitted to a leading, external expert for peer review. Once each risk assessment passed the peer review stage, it was published on this website for public consultation. The public consultation process has now concluded. A project report will be published in due course.
To access completed risk assessments click here or go to the Risk Assessment page.