Consultation Submission Page
Submissions on the published risk assessments can be made using the on-line form below. Please note that submissions can only be made on a particular risk assessment within a two week period from their publication on this website.
Freedom of information and data protection
All submissions are subject to the Freedom of Information Acts and/or the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations and may also be published on the Department’s website.
Although on-line submissions are encouraged, hard copy submissions can also be posted to either IFI or the Data Centre at the corresponding address below. These will only be accepted if the post marked date is within the relevant two week consultation period given for a particular species. The template for hard copy submissions can be downloaded for printing from here: Hardcopy of consultation submission form .
Return postal submissions on aquatic and riparian species to: Non-native Species Risk Assessment Project, Return postal submissions on terrestrial species to: Non-native Species Risk Assessment Project, |